Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why Do They Always Make Scootaloo Evil?!?!?

Why Do They Always Make Scootaloo Evil!?!?!?

I am Matthais123 and that title is not a joke! When Scootaloo is not a poor little orphan, or an abused child, who gets adopted by Rainbow Dash by the end, she is a sick, sadist, murderous, EVIL! Seriously, it's like her fandom is divided in three parts: Scootabuse, Scootalove, and EVIL!Scootaloo. Don't believe me? Let's look at some examples:
This story is basically a sequel to the infamous Cupcakes by the evil Sargent Sprinkles. In fact, it is, THE BEST CUPCAKES SEQUEL EVER!!! (That is, the best squeal that doesn't make it all a dream). The action, the emotions, the character development, the story-lines that make it so complex! Honestly, it seems everypony is evolves somehow. Celestia, Luna, Trixie, Zecora. . . And the best part, it doesn't focus on ponies being chopped up! It's an actual story, unlike Sprinkles' "SAW" ponified. So, I give this sequel an B-, cause characters are dying, and, of course, THE SCOOTALOO PROBLEM!! As you might have already guessed, Scootaloo is the apprentice of the evil Cupcake Murderess: Pinkamena Diane Pie. Meanwhile, the sweet innocent Applebloom is hiding out with Zecora where she- Wait. . .WHAT?!?! Applebloom is one of the good guys? Applebloom? What is wrong with this Author! Didn't she do any research? In the original Cupcakes, it ends with Applebloom becoming Pinkamena's apprentice, and slicing up Silver Spoon! 

So why in Equestria did you make Scootaloo the apprentice, where you could of easily had Applebloom do it, following the original script! What the hay is this? Do you just hate Scootaloo, is that it? Yeah, she has a "What Have I Done!" moment at the end, but then she just runs off and disappears, so her existence was basically pointless. And anyway, the "What Have I Done!" is pretty stupid when she's been slicing up living ponies for who knows how long, burned down Zecora's hut, killed Zecora, kidnapped Applebloom, and attacked Twilight, Applejack, and some royal guards with nightshade! THINK!!!!!!!
Inner Demons by SapphireLibra3
OH MY GOSH! This story is an A++. . .wait. . .NOOOOOOOO! Not Twilight and Trixie shipping! And Pinkie and Rainbow Dash shipping! And a sex scene! Son of a Molestia! Now I gotta give it a B-! Anyway, the story is so epic. We get some fannon history of a "Queen Midnight." An ancient prophecy. Some reincarnation stuff. A cool OC. Some fancy magic. Epic battles! Some backstory for Tartarus! A battle inside Tartarus! Seriously, this story's epic! But, we're here to talk about Scootaloo. Luckily, this one isn't so bad. It seems, in this "Twilight Turns Evil Fanfic", the Twilight that Turns Evil ages up the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and offers them more power if they join the dark-side. Applebloom refuses, but Evil!Twilight deceives Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo into joining her, and gives them their Cutie Marks as well a super powers. Like I said, this isn't that bad, because Scootaloo is clearly being brainwashed into doing this. . .
"I'm doing what needs to be done to change the world! I don't agree with everything Twilight is doing, but I do think the old rule has to go!"
"An' ya think Twilight's gonna be a good queen?" Apple Bloom asked, "Yer goin insane!"
"Twilight? Don't make me laugh!" Scootaloo said harshly, "I'm talking about myself!"
"Wh, wha?" Apple Bloom had to step back at that statement.
"First I'm going to get rid of my past! Then, I'm going to take it to Twilight!"
"Ya can't be serious! She put Princess Luna under a spell, and petrified Princess Celestia! What makes ya think ya'll even stand a chance?"
"Twilight doesn't know how powerful I am now!" Scootaloo proclaimed, "I'm the hero of the story! She's just one person I need to step over to get my goals. I'm going to defeat you, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight, then I'll change the WORLD!"
WHAT THE HAY!!!!! So now Scootaloo's the Starscream? You know what? I hated Scootaloo more than I hated Evil!Twilight in this story! I wanted Scootaloo to get killed at some point, but she doesn't, she's redeemed! NO! You can't redeem a creature like that! She's clearly not being brainwashed, and yet she tries to kill Rainbow Dash, she sets the Cutie Mark Crusader tree house on fire with Pinkie Pie inside, tries to kill Applebloom, tries to kill Trixie just for the hay of it, and than has the nerve to declare herself a hero as she tries to kill Evil!Twilight off at her weakest point! Even Evil!Twilight sees how hypocritical and insane Scootaloo is, and she even calls Scootaloo out on it! (Just to be fair, Sweetie Belle does do bad stuff, but she has never tried to kill anypony in this story. She merely hypnotizes ponies with singing magic, and in fact quickly sees how evil Scootaloo has become, and actually turns good long before Scootaloo does when Rarity saves her from getting killed. This is how a non brainwashed servant of evil should behave, unless they are an evil bastard like Scootaloo!) Even before Twilight gave her powers, she was still a jerk! She went crazy mean when she found out that Applebloom was hanging out with Silver Spoon! Oh my gosh, get a grip Scoots!

Discordant by ezra09
This is an "Elements of Discord Fanfiction." Basically, Queen Chrysalis helps Discord, while still a statue, to whispers his influence into the ears of others to convince them to join up and form the Element of Discord and free him, after which he will richly reward them with what they want the most. Sorry, but this story is boring. It seems to slow for me. I just skipped to the last four chapters. But they were written very good and it is very though provoking. It almost makes you want to see Discord and his Elements win (to hay with Chrysalis). I give it a B+. Of course, Scootaloo is one of the characters Discord influences him, and he make him the Element of Betrayal. I can understand this one. Scootaloo wants a loving family, she wants the bullying to stop, she wants her Cutie Mark. . .She see's Discord's world as a place where all of that won't matter and she can finally be happy. This is why it's actually sad when she is found alone and abandoned after Discord is set free, with only a Traitor Cutie Mark for all her effort. Poor Scoots. . .
"So what happens now?" Scootaloo asks.

"Now you'll come with me," Princess Celestia said. She smiled warmly at the scared filly. "And don't worry too much. You aren't the first pony Discord's managed to trick. Things will work out."

Scootaloo nodded and followed behind the princess, a dejected and defeated look on her face.

I told you, Discord whispered to Scootaloo, A helpless filly manipulated by the big bad Discord. They'd eat it up in a heartbeat. Scootaloo nodded silently as they made their way to the castle.
Wait. . .what?

 Scootaloo made her way down the dark street, leaving the city noise behind her. After a few moments, she realized she wasn’t entirely alone.

So, everything going smoothly?

She smiled at the familiar voice. “Yeah. I told the princess everything, though I gave her fake descriptions of the other element wielders, like you told me too.”
HOLY HORSE APPLES!!! YOU DID IT! YOU REALLY DID IT! YOU EVEN GAVE HER AN EVIL SMILE!!! This story isn't finished yet, but I can easily see what's gonna happen next, Scootaloo, being the Element of Betrayal, will become the Starscream, betray Discord, and somehow steal the other Elements powers and become ruler or something, right?!?! Well, I suppose it isn't that bad. Inner Demons and The End of a Nightmare were far worse offenders.

I also remember a fanfic where Scootaloo gets a sword to defeat Discord, fails, and winds up killing Rainbow Dash after The Elements of Harmony defeat Discord. I'm guessing it was so bad the author took it down.
Anyway, there you have it, three stories where Scootaloo is made into a villain NEEDLESSLY! Seriously, you could have easily had her be only misguided or something, and Nightmare, it Applebloom who was supposed to be the villain. Scootaloo could have been more like Sweetie Belle in Inner Demons, and Scoots could have been corrupted to grey-scale by Discord in Discordant.
But remember, these Fanfics are good, really good! I just don't know why they had to make Scootaloo such a little bastard!!
This is Matthais123 signing off!!!

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