Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Little Angel (Bunny vs. Changeling) by Gdenofa

Hello! I am Matthais123. I review Fan Fiction for My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic. My first review is actually one that I've done a Fan Fiction reading for on Youtube with Otiscat123. This is one of my all time favorites. Mostly because it is simple and could go in many, MANY directions. The premise is simple, a little Changeling child trades places with Angel Bunny so he can feed off of Fluttershy's love. However, Angel Bunny won't go down without of fight. . .check that. . . an epic battle. . .
But seriously, Gdenofa wrote Fluttershy and Angel in perfect character. It actually focuses more on Angel Bunny, and to tell you the truth, that's a good thing! We really need a better understanding of Angel Bunny's character with what we've seen him do in the show, "Putting Your Hoof Down" specifically. As  said in his review: "Okay, someone kill that ******* rabbit!" But then, we see him act like a Disney Princess' animal friend in "Hurricane Fluttershy" (and no, "Putting Your Hoof Down" is not before Twilight comes, because Fluttershy gives a Friendship Report to Celestia at the end.). Anyway, Gdenofa writes Angel Bunny's character very well. It shows that Angel can be a little jerk, and will rebel against Fluttershy in a heartbeat. If he doesn't want to do something, he ain't gonna do it unless there's something in it for him. Gdenofa also takes Angel's violent side into account with the battle, as well as his impatience and tough guy attitude. However, Gdenofa makes sure to show that Angel does have good in him. If Angel sees that somepony is unhappy, he will do his best to be comforting and to help. This is what we saw in "Hurricane Fluttershy." Fluttershy needed him, so he put his pride on the self.
I don't have much to say about Fluttershy, except that Gdenofa makes sure her kindness shines through, and teaches the old "don't judge a book by its cover lesson."
And, like I already said, there are a lot of directions you go in with what Gdenofa did. Sure, any time you have a new OC, there are a lot of possibilities, but the context of this specific character, the details, and the implications of what is being established raise a lot of questions that absolutely beg for a sequel, or at very least a bonus chapter.
There are a lot of Changeling fanfics out there, but you will find that Gdenofa completely turns the genre on its head.
 My Little Angel (Bunny vs. Changeling) by Gdenofa gets an A+. (Scale is from F- to A+)
This is Matthais123 signing off!

  My Dramatic Reading with Otiscat123

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