Thursday, August 23, 2012

Problems With "My Little Dashie" by ROBCakeran53

I am Matthais123, and I am going to point out some problems in one of the most famous My Little Pony fanfiction stories of time, "My Little Dashie" by ROBCakeran53. Now, this is not a real review per say. In fact, I will never review this story because it is so well known and talked about, like Cupcakes or Fallout Equestria. I feel that I wouldn't be able to ever do it justice in a review. But I can point out its fatal flaws. But before I begin, I ought go say that although the story was sad, it didn't really make me cry at all. Mostly because of all of its problems, which I will list right now:

1. Why is the guy so depressed?
Oh my gosh, what is wrong with this guy? He's more depressed in the beginning of the story than he is after Dash has to leave him! What exactly happened to him anyway? The story says the city he lives in has lost its color or life or something. Well then, why doesn't he just move to the country, ya know, upstate New York or something? I mean, at first I thought it was an apocalyptic future where all of nature has been destroyed by man, but then later on we see him and Dashie moving to the country! Why didn't he do that earlier!?

2. What idiot leaves a living My Little Pony in a cardboard box?
Okay, so the guy finds Dashie in a cardboard box with "give to a good home" written on it. The fact that the box had writing on it showed that someone else had found her first and put her there. Okay, WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO DO THAT!!! I don't care if you're an evil, hater, anti-brony, Scrooge; if you see a living fantasy cartoon character in the real world, the first thing that would come to your mind would be "Ka-Ching!" I could think of a whole bunch of ways to get rich of off Dashie. Charge people to see her perform, sell her to a zoo, sell her to a scientist, sell her to the government, sell her to a brony, sell her to Lauren Faust's family, train her to rob people! And besides all that, she do adorable! Who would be insane enough to just put her in a cardboard box and just walk away! This is stupid!!

3. Why does Rainbow Dash not recognize the Mane Five?
There is a scene where Dashie sees an episode of the show, and runs off when she realizes that she's a carton character. If she saw the show, then shouldn't she know who the Mane Five are when they arrive to take her home? Maybe we're supposed to believe Dash only saw a part of the show before she ran off, but don't you think she'd want I watch more to find out about her world? Or maybe were supposed to know that Dashie just wants to leave her old life behind her and focus on life with "Daddy." The author really should have stated thing more plainly regarding this.

4. Why does Pinkie Pie turn into Pinkamena at the drop of a hat?
When Dash doesn't recognize her friends, Pinkie Pie's hair deflates. WHAT? Pinkie Pie got depressed when she believed her ALL friends didn't like her anymore. In this story, Dash just has a case of serious amnesia. This doesn't seem like enough to warrant the change. Also, this change is a serious event, seeing as Pinkie Pie's the Element of Laughter, but in this story, it's just glanced over like it's a regular thing for her or something. Serious, this author has to watch his details.

Well, I described all of the problems I spotted in this story. I must admit though, it is very well written. It depicts the events that happen during the life of a father and daughter very well, and is quite touching and cute. The build up to Dashie's inevitable goodbye is excellent. However, I get trully frustrated with "Daddy's" depressing attitude. Sweet Celestia, even when he talks about having fun with Dashie he sounds depressed! But regardless, the story is touching and quite a masterpiece, so I might as well give it an A-.
This is Matthais123 signing off!

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