Friday, August 10, 2012

I am Matthais123. Oh boy, where do I begin. You see, this was kind of a big disappointment for me. Well, let's jump right in, I guess.
This is a "Return of Discord/ Elements of Chaos" fanfic. Basically Discord uses dreams and telepathy to create his own "Elements". Diamond Tiara is Cruelty, Queen Chrysalis is Deceit, Trixie is Power/Loneliness, Gilda is. . . oops, I forgot, um, Scootaloo is Betrayal (Yes, this fanfic resorts to the Scootaloo is evil syndrome), and Spike is Greed. . .wait. . .HUH?!?! Spike is a bad guy? SPIKE?!?!
Okay, well, he does have a good reason for it. Basically, Chrysalis transforms into Rarity, convincing Spike that Rarity doesn't love him, giving him reason to join Discord to make a new world where dragons and ponies can live together. The whole having to move away from Ponyville one day thing also convinces him. Also, Discord tricks Luna into stealing the Elements of Harmony by making her fear that Celestia will send her too the moon again. However, the one who we focus the most on is Scootaloo. AS USUAL, Scootaloo is an orphan who escaped from the orphanage and is living on the streets. The way Discord reaches out to help her, the promises he makes to her, the kindness he shows, seriously Discord does his best to make himself into a tragic hero. And you know what, he succeeds! Seriously, just look at the comments! Nearly everyone who has read this fanfic wants Discord to win! But why? I think it's because we all feel so bad for Scootaloo, and as far as we know, she'll only be able to be happy in Discord's chaotic wonderland of candy and chocolate! A world where cutie marks won't matter! I mean really, the first part of the story takes place during Hearths Warming Eve, and Scoots is miserable, cold, and lonely! Man, I still wish Discord had won! And even worse, the "good guys" act like jerks. Well, at least one of them. After Discord is freed by his elements, Rainbow Dash angrily confronts Scoots. Scootaloo talks about how she has suffered in the terrible, black orphanage, and what does Dash do? She pretty much says, "Well, I've gone through that and worse, so I don't care what you've been through! I never want to see you again traitor!" WHAT THE HECK?! Okay, that wasn't her exact words, but that's the general idea.
Well, if that wasn't bad enough, the ending is anticlimactic, and way too fast! What happens is Luna sends Chrysalis to the moon, Spike and Scootaloo have a change of heart, they get the Elements back, the Mane Six turn Discord to stone, and the Elements of Chaos are disbanded. That's it. Really? REALLY? You don't go into detail about Gilda, Trixie, or Diamond Tiara. . .at all! They're just, there. . . Okay, Gilda and Trixie do get scenes, but Trixie's is pathetic, and it turns out that Gilda had been mind controlled by Chrysalis! Tiara is barely even there. And the worst part? Scootaloo. You know what the Epilogue tittle is? "Alone Again"! So, nothing changes for Scootaloo? Of course it doesn't! Discord had to win for Scootaloo to be happy! In fact, it's kind of heartbreaking when Scootaloo sees Discord turned to stone again, and it was all her fault. I know Discord's evil, and he did turn Celestia into stone with help from his Elements of Chaos, but maybe Discord would have been a little more careful, and perhaps avoiding any painful chaos, I mean, Pinkie Pie is chaos, but she's not evil!
What I'm trying to say is that this story had everyone rooting for Scootaloo and Discord. Seriously, the best part of the whole story was when Luna sent Chrysalis to the moon, cause we all hate her. But the ending felt very sad for me. Discord should have won, and he would have won is Scootatraitor hadn't used her new Traitor Cutie Mark on Discord! The author tries to say that tomorrow will be better for Scootaloo, but I just don't see it. She has a traitor cutie mark, and she's still a lonely orphan. Hopefully there's a much needed sequel in the works.
Anyway, I give it a C+. It seems rushed, the ending was unhappy, it was anti-climatic, and characters didn't get enough back-story. However, the battle scenes were cool, it left me guessing, everyone was in character, Chrysalis was a good villain, Discord was at his best, or maybe even better, and all of the pieces of the plots really fell into place. So it was still a pretty good fanfic, despite its problems. Hopefully the author will do better in the sequel.
This is Matthais123 signing off!

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