Friday, October 19, 2012

The Return of the Evil Scootaloo

Why Do They Always Make Scootaloo Evil!?!?!?
The Return of the Evil Scootaloo

I am Matthais123. A while back I wrote about how a lot of fanfics make Scootaloo evil. Well, I've found a couple more evil!Scootaloo fanfics believe it or not, proving that this really is a reoccurring theme in the FimFiction community  So, without further ado, here is part two of Why Do They Always Make Scootaloo Evil!?!?!? which I have entitled "The Return of the Evil Scootaloo."

Shattered by Slingshot619
Oh my gosh, this picture is so awesome.
Too bad it's chock full of villain tropes
In this fanfic, Scootaloo apparently gets yelled at by Rainbow Dash, and decides to get revenge on her. . . really? . . . is that it? That's kind of fickle, Scoots. . .really. And if that isn't bad enough, Scootaloo gets help from Pinkie Pie, and she is actually reffered to as being in "Pinkamena Diane Pie Mode". Come on, aren't we all tired of these stupid "Cupcakes" references? She even tries to convince Scootaloo to murder Rainbow Dash, advice that she eventually takes. At first, evil Scootaloo isn't that bad. She actually shows-up arrogant Rainbow Dash with some awesome flying moves herself. Unfortunately, what we get in the final chapter is just a stupid "Cupcakes" wanna-be torture scene! All Scootaloo needed was a hacksaw! 
And even before this happens it's just stupid. The author gives Scootaloo nearly every single villain trope in the book! A black leather jacket, a metal choker and bracelets, a move where rings of fire surround her, and the most ridiculous, over the top villain trope of them all, a scar over her right eye, which still perfectly works, and has changed to a blood red crimson color. Was the author just bored one day and started shifting through All Scootaloo needs is Voice of Legion, a Starscream, a Villainous Breakdown, and maybe a Big NO! Why not just make her an Alicorn while we're at it? But no, what we get is much more pathetic. After Scootaloo puts Dash in the hospital, stabs her, and gouges out one of her eyes with a hook, she has an instant heel-face turn! What the heck is this? And why does she change? Because Dash basically says "I love you, I'm sorry." Wow, Scoots, talk about a Heel-Face Revolving Door. And plus, who shows up but Cupcakes Pinkie Pie, who threathens to kill Dash instead, but why? And so, how else could this end except with Scootaloo killing Pinkie and having the nerve to apologize to the dying Rainbow Dash! What a terrible fanfic. I give it a C-! And do you know what the author has the nerve to say? That the prologue will explain it all.  NO! You can't do that! That's a lame excuse. You can't have confusing events that don't make sense and then say they'll be info in the prequel. This is just a "Cupcakes" rip off that made me angry. But, I might as well read the prequel when it comes out.

 Lost Time by McSqueakers 
I didn't like this story much. It was dead depressing. But still amazingly written and very deep. So I give it a B+. The Pinkamena appearance kinda ruins it for me. Anyway, in this story, Twilight and Rarity travel forward in time, but there vanishing kind of wrecks the time line. Celestia's dead, there's eternal night, eternal winter, Sweetie Belle's been framed for a crime, and as I said, Pinkie's gone all straight haired and crazy and schizophrenzic  The funny thing is, Scootaloo only turns evil at the end. You see, after helping the time travelers find Sweetie Belle, she's kicked out of the Wonderbolts for being in contact with a criminal. So, she tries to get crazy Pinkie to kill them. When that fails, she starts attacking Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and even a new character called Nova. And read this:
Scootaloo started gritting her teeth in frustration as Twilight berated her. Something inside her had snapped. She didn’t care about anything anymore, only seeing her hatred through to the end. “You just don’t get it! I have nothing left!”
Sweetie Belle walked forward to try and comfort the mare. “Please stop this! You have us! You have a home. You have Rainbow Dash-”
Scootaloo felt her hoof flying through the air as a knee-jerk reaction to Sweetie Belle’s words. In an instant, Sweetie Belle was on the ground. Scootaloo looked down at the writhing mare in horror, not for what she did, but that she enjoyed doing it. There was no going back now. A sinister grin spread across her face.
Seriously, this doesn't seem right to me. And what makes it worse is that Scootaloo kills Nova in the process (Scoots dies too. They both fall off a cliff). Actually, this unlocks the power Twilight needs to fix things via roaring rampage of revenge, but still, having Scootaloo just snap is too much. Scootaloo did not loose everything. Sweetie Belle was right, she still has Rainbow Dash, who comes to apologize  to her as she dies from falling off the cliff she pushed Nova off of! As usual Dead evil!Scootaloo is the best evil!Scootaloo. She gives a cookie-cutter apology and justification for her actions (I was wronged and hurt, so I wanted them to know how it feels). I don't buy it.

 For Mother by Zephyrus Scary 
This story is. . .interesting. . . Apparently Scootaloo is a Changeling. Queen Chrysalis apparently needs her for something, and since she's her mother, she chooses her over Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. I'm sorry, but Scoots must know how Changelings are basically love stealing, ruthless, monsters. The timing is a little confusing, but I'm sure that she knows that everypony she cares about will suffer greatly under a Changeling regime. Quite frankly, Scootaloo would be better off a Changeling refugee in the midst of friendly ponies who care for her and love peace. Or is her friendship with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash so worthless? Only the first chapter is up, but I can give it a B for now.

Well, that's it for evil!Scootaloo fan-fiction. I hope now you understand how widespread this phenomena is in the Brony community. So, keep an eye out for evil orange pegasi! This is Matthais123 signing off!